Adult Book Bingo
Adult Book Bingo 2020 June 15-August 14 Signup for our first Adult Book Bingo! 1.Read a book in the categories on the board and mark [...]

YA Summer Reading Game
For kids entering 6th Grade and older Summer Reading Game 2020, June 16 - August 21 FUN and EASY to do! Here's How it works: [...]

YA Summer Reading Game
For kids entering 6th Grade and older Summer Reading Game 2020, June 16 - August 21 FUN and EASY to do! Here's How it works: [...]

Summer Reading With Friends, 6th Grade Girls
6th Grade Girls You have to do your summer reading assignments, why not do it with friends? Read books with friends Discuss summer reading assignments [...]

Summer Reading With Friends, 6th Grade Boys
6th Grade Boys You have to do your summer reading assignments, why not do it with friends? Read books with friends Discuss summer reading assignments [...]