News articles

Sip & Stitch with Loop de Loop

Sip & Stitch with Loop de Loop

Wednesday, March 26 6pm-7:30pm Bring a crochet project you are working on or something you may need advice or assistance with. Jen & Cassie will provide support and their expert crochet skills. Joining a group is a good way to hold yourself accountable and meet other crochet lovers in a relaxed friendly environment. Register here

Stories, Songs and Surprises

Thursday, March 27 11:15 – 11:45 am This Week’s Theme: Teddy Bear Picnic Join us for weekly Storytime in the Library with Mrs. Ramage, and bring one of your favorite stuffed animals. More Information                                          

Creative Aging: Storytelling with Photography

Weekly, Mondays,  March 3-April 21, 1:00-3:00pm. Telling a story can take different forms. Words. Drawings. Photos. Words with drawings. Words with Photos. Photos with words. What kind of photos? Portraits? Landscapes? Details? In this workshop, participants will concentrate on using photography and creating a rough outline of photo possibilities to tell a story of a
