Author Archives: Ann Cloonan

Creative Aging: Storytelling with Photography

Creative Aging: Storytelling with Photography

Weekly, Mondays,  March 3-April 21, 1:00-3:00pm. Telling a story can take different forms. Words. Drawings. Photos. Words with drawings. Words with Photos. Photos with words. What kind of photos? Portraits? Landscapes? Details? In this workshop, participants will concentrate on using photography and creating a rough outline of photo possibilities to tell a story of a

Community Open House

Join us for the Community Open House to reimagine the future of the Bedford Libraries! The Bedford Village Free Library and Katonah Village Library are thrilled to invite you to help reimagine the library of tomorrow! This is your chance to play an essential role in shaping the heart of our community—a space designed to

Tuesday Preschool Crafts

Tuesday, January 14 Drop-in Craft Ages 3-5, Family Once a month on Tuesdays this Winter we will supply materials and directions for preschoolers and caregivers to make a craft together. January 14: Snowman Name Plate February 11: Heart Wreath March 4: Rainbow Noodle Necklaces No registration is required. Supplies on a first come basis. More

Community Library Survey

Bedford Village Free Library and Katonah Village Library invite you to participate in our community-wide survey to reimagine the future of our library services! Please take our short survey to share your thoughts, ideas and priorities to help us better serve you and our entire community. Thank you for your time and feedback! Community Library

Sip & Stitch with Loop de Loop

Wednesday, November 20 6pm-7:30pm Bring a crochet project you are working on or something you need assistance with. Jen & Cassie will provide support and their expert crochet skills.  REGISTER HERE MORE INFORMATION      

Book Buddies – Summer 2024

Final Week! Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday July 8 – August 7 3:00-5:00 PM For ages 3 and up Need a buddy to read with? You can read with or be read to by a friendly Book Buddy! This program is similar to Book Buddies at BVES 20 minute sessions Parents must stay in the Library with younger children

The Many Pleasures of Poems with Dr. DiYanni

Wednesdays: April 3, 10 & 17 4:00 – 5:00pm Some of poetry’s pleasures are verbal, some intellectual, others emotional. We respond to the words in poems, to the ideas they spark, and to the feelings they evoke. Poems can make our skin tingle, our feet tap, and our fingers snap in time to a rhythmic

High School Writing Contest Winners

Congratulations to the winners of the 16th Annual High School Writing Contest! Fiction 1st place-The Fault in Our April by Elissa Leka 2nd place-The Dinner Table by Rachel Agnello 3rd place-The Apology by Diya Bino Nonfiction 1st place-Why Participation Awards Should Be Given to Children Who Play Sports by Ella Brown 2nd place-Of Mice and

Canned Food Drive thru March 2nd

The Bedford Free Library will have a bin for the United Way Canned Food Drive. Please bring your non perishable donation and put in the donation bin by the Adult Desk. Any questions see attached flyer. More information

Closing Early 6/7

On Wednesday, June 7, the Library will be closing at 4:30pm Can’t wait for a book?  Check out selections on Libby/Overdrive and download to your device. Check Out Libby/Overdrive      

Amphibian Crossing Guard Program

Saturday, February 25, 11am The Conservation Board coordinates the Bedford chapter of DEC’s Amphibian Migrations and Road Crossings Project. Early each spring, on the first warm rainy nights, frogs and salamanders migrate en masse from forest uplands to the ponds and vernal pools where they breed. Many of them need to crossroads to get there,

Shine Bright Bedford-Decorate Luminaries!

Luminaries are available to decorate for this annual event. You can decorate your bags at the Library or take them home to decorate. Completed bags should be dropped off by December 1st. Shine Bright Bedford and Tree Lighting Ceremony Friday, December 2nd Luminary Display from 5pm Tree Lighting at 6pm Celebrate the season with friends

Network Outage

 The Library is experiencing a system wide network outage.  All Westchester Library System libraries are having the same difficulties. Services at the Library are limited, but we will be open regular hours. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Need a book?  Check out our digital collection at Libby/OverDrive

Shine Bright Bedford

Friday, December 3 6pm Luminaries – 7PM Tree Lighting Family Event Holiday light display on the Village Green! The Bedford Village Business Association & Friends invite you to come together in spirit to celebrate the holidays and our community. Bags  available for pick up at  the Library and need to be returned by December 2nd. 

Fox Read 2020: Author Talk

Tuesday, December 1 7:00-7:45 p.m. Grades 5-7 An  evening with Wendy Maas, author of Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life. All 5th, 6th, and 7th graders, their families, and all community members are invited to enjoy an evening in conversation with the author of this year’s Fox Read. Link for 12/1 Google Meet:

State of New York Shelter in Place

  Beginning Sunday March 22, all unessential business in the state are closed.  Below is a link to a resource document from the town of Bedford. It has important links about what is open, the corona virus and other important information. Below is also a link to sign up for Supervisor Burdick’s newsletter. More details

Mahjong for Beginners

Mondays, October 21,28 & November 4  10:00-noon This this 3 week course gives an introductory overview of the rules and strategy to playing Mahjong.  You will learn the basics of the game and continue learning through supervised games. At the end of the series you will feel confident enough to play with friends and organize

Thursday Tech Help With Charlie

Make an appointment with our Student Tech Expert Charlie. He will help you with technology questions and can assist you with downloading materials. All sessions are held in the Reading Room on the first floor. Don’t forget to bring you device and any relevant password information. Register here More information    

Westchester Library System App now available

Download this free app from the app store. Choose your library and set up your account. You can order books, check out what’s happening at your library and create a digital card. Currently available for Apple devices only. Android will be available soon!

Bedford Babies

Winter session! Still spots available. For babies 11 months or younger and their parents Tuesdays, February 27 – April 24, 9:30 – 10:30 am This 8 week program is the perfect opportunity for new parents and their babies to: Meet other parents Discuss parenting concerns Have a cup of coffee and a snack without having to make it yourself Feel safe and cared for away from the house If you are the parent with a baby under one year of age,Bedford Babies is an opportunity waiting for you! Click here to register or call to register. flyer

Holiday Hours

Holiday hours for this coming weekend are: Friday, April 7, Closed Saturday, April 8, Closed Enjoy the holidays. We will reopen on Monday, April 10

Summer Reading Kickoff

“On Your Mark, Get Set, Read” is this summer’s theme and we will be kicking off the summer with a unique event at Historical Hall. Digital Arts Experience will lead the group through two different experiences: using Minecraft to create the Bedford Free Library and learning Hour of Code a computer coding program. All equipment

YA READsquared Program

For kids entering 6th Grade and older Summer Reading Game 2020, June 16 – August 21 FUN and EASY to do!  Here’s How it works: 1. Read any book of your choice, 50 pages = 1 point 2. Log # of pages and write a quick review At the end of the Game, points will
