Adult Book Bingo 2021
June 18-September 1
Signup for our first Adult Book Bingo!
1.Read a book in the categories on the board and mark your progress online.
2.Completing a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line, or each of the four corner squares is a Bingo.
3. The more bingo combinations you get the more entries into the raffle.
4. One book per square!
5. Please write down the titles we will ask to see your board!
6. First prize is a Kindle Paperwhite, Second and Third Prizes gift certificate to local
In case you need suggestions for categories here are some links below:
Bingo 2021-Book with one word title
Bingo 2021 Summer in the Title
Bingo 2021-Book about Friendship
Bingo 2021-Current NYT best seller
Bingo 2021-Mystery or Thriller
Bingo 2021-Books set outside of USA
Bingo 2021-Book made into more or TV series
Bingo 2021-Book that made you laugh
Bingo 2021-Flower in title or on cover
Bingo 2021-National Book Award winner