Computer, Wireless and Social Media Policies


Using any computer, iPad or electronic device for inappropriate activities including, but not limited to, those which would offend fellow patrons can result in losing computer privileges at the library.

There are several public PCs available at the library for patrons to use.

All patrons are required to sign up for computer use either at the adult desk or on the children’s side. No library card is required to use the public access computers.

Time on the computer is 30 minutes, however if no one is waiting you may continue to use the computer.

At no time is it permitted to watch movies on the public computers.

Patrons must use headphones when using the computer for programs that have audio.  Headphones are available at the front desk for $1.00 or you can use your own.

The downloading of additional programs to the public computers is prohibited.

At no time is it permitted to change settings or configurations on the computers.

The downloading of documents is permitted but we suggest that you save to a usb stick or burn a cd for your own benefit.

The patron is responsible for clearing all personal documents from the hard drive.  Documents should be saved to a stick or CD then deleted from computer.  When using personal email accounts or banking accounts make sure you sign out after your session so no one can access your personal information.  Do not turn the computer off.

The library is not responsible for any items (calculators, phones, keys, etc.) left unattended.

No food or drinks permitted in the computer area.

The library reserves the right to suspend computer privileges for any of the following behaviors:

  • Vulgar or inappropriate language or photos
  • Using the computer to bully or harass
  • Illegal activities

There are three PCs in the adult Reading Room. The PCs have Google Chrome and Microsoft Office software on them. Downloading apps, games or programs to the public computers is prohibited.  At no time is it permitted to change settings or preferences to any of the computers.  Headphones should be used for any audio.  Time is limited to 30 minutes unless no-one is waiting.

The children’s room has one computers for patron use:

  • Younger children:  there is an AWE games computer available for younger children to use.  There is a wide variety of games loaded on the computer.  This computer is preloaded – the library is unable to add new games.  No sign is required for this computer.  Young children should be supervised when using computers.


All three of the public computers are networked to one printer.  Cost of printing is per page is $.10 b/w, $.25 color.

A scanner is available for patrons. Scanning costs $1.00 per page

The Bedford Free Library offers free wireless Internet access to library users with wireless-enabled devices.  The Library provides unrestricted access to the Internet and does not monitor or control content.  The provisions set forth in the Library’s Internet Use Policy and Acceptable Use Guidelines are applicable to wireless network (Wi-Fi) access.

Our network supports a wide range of Wi-Fi (802.11b/g) laptop computers, phones, iPads and other mobile devices.  Most Wi-Fi network cards will be compatible.  However, the Library makes no guarantees as to compatibility of a library user’s device with the network.  Library staff does not provide wireless access support and will not install or modify hardware or software.  The Library assumes no responsibility for the safety of equipment or for laptop configurations, security, or data files resulting from connection to the Library’s network.  To access the Wi-Fi network the patron must choose BDVlibrary from the wireless network choices and accept the user agreement. Once on the network you must remain active on the internet or your session will expire after 20 minutes.

Communication throughout the wireless network is NOT secure. Information sent from or to your device can be captured by anyone else with a wireless device and appropriate software.  Library users are responsible for selecting and installing up-to-date security protection and current virus definitions on their Wi-Fi devices.  The Library is not liable for damage to hardware or software, transmission of computer viruses, loss of data or email, or any harm resulting from the use of an unsecured server.  Caution should be used when using an unsecure wireless network for transmitting personal, financial or otherwise sensitive information.

Users must remember that the Library is a shared environment, and the use of wireless facilities should not interfere with the proper use of the library by others.  When using wireless-enabled devices to listen to music, dialog, or sound effects, library users must use earphones to make the sound inaudible to others.

Postings by the Library are made to disseminate information to our patrons and the public about programs, events (both Library sponsored and non-library sponsored) and materials in circulation.

There will be multiple administrators from the Library staff who will be posting to the Facebook page or other social media websites.

In order to post photos on the library Facebook page or other social media websites , verbal permission will be obtained from those in the photo, their parent or caregiver.  No last names will be used in posted pictures.

The Bedford Free Library (the ”Library”) is not responsible or liable for the content of postings by third parties on the Library’s sponsored Facebook and other social media sites and postings do not reflect the positions, opinions and views of the Library, its employees and its Board of Trustees.  Profane, racial, sexist, homophobic, or other derogatory or intimidating comments will not be tolerated and will be removed from the site by the Library.  Furthermore, the Library will not be responsible or liable for such comments.

By posting comments on the Library’s Facebook page or other social media websites, you should not have any expectation of privacy and you will be deemed to have consented to have the Library monitor, read and delete any such postings without your consent.  Such postings are made without compensation to you by the Library

The Library, in its sole and absolute discretion, can remove the following postings from its page:

  • Vulgar or inappropriate language or photos
  • Threating, abusive or bullying comments
  • Spam or links to other sites
  • Illegal activities
  • Promotion of a business or service
  • Lobbying or political gain
  • Advertisements
  • Obscene and/or pornographic postings and/or materials and/or links to such
  • Threatening, hateful and/or violent speech
  • Potentially libelous statements
  • Profane, racial, sexist, homophobic, or other derogatory or intimidating comments
  • Sexually harassing comments, slurs and/or stereotyping

The Library can remove such postings without prior notice. The Library reserves the right to ban or block users who have posted in violation of this policy.

Computer, internet, wireless and social media policies updated February 10, 2023

