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Supporting the Library

Bedford Free Library Today

The Annual Appeal for 2020-2021 is beginning.  If you wish to be added to the mailing list please contact the Library. We appreciate your support and your generosity which enables the library to do so much for our community. If you would like to donate online, you can do so using PayPal. Alternatively, you can download the Donor Card and mail it to Bedford Free Library, P.O. Box 375, Bedford NY 10506.
Donate using credit card    Network for Good    Donor Card


online shopping iconSHOP AND SUPPORT THE LIBRARY
AmazonSmile: Make your Amazon purchases at and link to your favorite charity – select Bedford Free Library.  AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. There is no charge to you.
GoodShop: Shopping online over the holidays? Why not register at and pick Bedford Free Library as the organization that receives a percentage of your purchases from some of your favorite online retailers. There is no charge to you. If you install their toolbar it will remind you each time you visit a member site.



good night moonGift-a-Book Program
Sometimes a patron likes to donate a book for a special occasion; commemorate a birthday, new baby or anything that is significant to you with a book donation. A book plate will be placed in the front of the book with the details of the donation. It is a wonderful way to remember someone or just let someone else enjoy a book you love. If you are unsure of what book to choose, our staff librarians will be happy to select some titles for you.


Do you have a special talent or skill that you feel the library could use? Supporting the library does not only mean monetarily. Our community is filled with lots of creative and talented people that have added to the fabric and programming of the library. We’ve had story tellers, computer, financial and digital photography classes, a gingerbread house workshop, a quilting demonstration and of course author talks. Many of these special programs or events are done by patrons that love the library and wish to support us by sharing their expertise. If you have a skill and would like to contribute some time at the library we always love to hear ideas.

DSC_0871Community Service
The Library is happy to provide community service opportunities to the youth of our community. These are, however, limited and many of them are seasonal such as working at book collection in May and the annual book sale in June. It is suggested that if you wish to sign up for service that you call and discuss the opportunities that are available throughout the year. Those waiting for the last minute to complete their service will not necessarily be able to do so at the library. Please call Ann Cloonan at (914) 234-3570.
